Epic Games has officially launched Fab, the new digital asset marketplace that replaces the Unreal Engine Marketplace and Sketchfab Store. It is also the new home for Quixel Megascans.
Fab is designed as an open marketplace supporting creators across various platforms, including Unreal Engine, Unity 3D, Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN), and other digital content creation tools.
Unreal Engine developers can now access Fab directly within the Unreal Engine 5 Editor, while Fortnite creators will be able to find Fortnite-ready assets through Fab in UEFN.
However, the Fab integration within UEFN is currently undergoing maintenance and will return online soon. Additionally, integration with the Unreal Engine 5 Editor is expected in the near future.
Starting in 2025, Epic Games will offer a cross-section of the Megascans library for free to all users, regardless of the engine or platform they use.
This free starter pack will feature over 1,500 carefully selected assets, including popular 3D assets, plants, trees, surfaces, decals, imperfections, and 10 special packs that were released on Fab’s launch day.